Friday 4 February 2011

Friday night

When we lived in the UK Friday was take away night usually a Chinese meal, we no longer do that, mainly because we can't, there isn't a take away near us. But I still like to keep things simple on Friday, Paul comes home from work and we go shopping, when we get back in I really don't want to start cooking and Paul's happy with whatever I serve, so tonight its Breton hot dogs, Gallettes. I buy these but I do want to start making them, they are pancakes made with black flour, fry sausages and onions and wrap like a tortilla, you can serve pretty much anything in them, another favourite is goats cheese.

Of course you need a bottle of wine!


Unknown said...

Yum, yum!

All the best


P.S. And check out the word verification thingy - is that Posh or what?

Diane said...

That looks like English sausages to me, not typical French. Am I right? Diane

Paul and Roz said...

Nope they are "Toulouse", but they were bought at Lidl co could have been made anywhere!